Movement Building
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Will More Philanthropies Step Up to Help Workers? Recent Funding Developments to Note
With Labor Day just behind us, here’s a primer on some of the ways philanthropy is supporting workers in the face of ongoing threats to labor rights.
This California Foundation Has Supported Progressive Causes for Almost 90 Years
It’s not the biggest in the state, but the Rosenberg Foundation — established in 1935 — has long played an important ecosystem role for a whole range of social justice causes. Here’s a look at what it’s backing today.
Philanthropy Must Safeguard Our Right to Protest, a Key Pathway to Progress
As the rights to free expression and assembly come under attack, guest author Rajasvini Bhansali argues philanthropic funders have an urgent role to play in protecting front-line organizers.
Who’s Funding Policy Advocacy for Immigration Reform and Immigrant Rights?
Public sector policy determines what happens to immigrants in the U.S. and those seeking to enter. That’s why advocacy support is a key lever for immigrant rights funders like these.
An Urgent Moment for The Movement Cooperative, a Progressive Election Infrastructure Hub
With backing from institutional grantmakers and its own members, TMC provides shared access to collectively purchased database and software resources. Now, it faces the mammoth challenge of the 2024 contests.
“A Very Powerful Moment.” The California Endowment Goes Big for Community Organizing
With an $85 million investment, the heavyweight regional grantmaker aims to strengthen movement infrastructure statewide. Outgoing CEO Robert Ross called its board approval a career highlight.
Bill Drayton on Ashoka’s Work to Make “Everyone a Changemaker”
Ideas like “social entrepreneurship” and “changemaking” show up everywhere today, and that has a lot to do with Drayton and the global organization he founded. Here’s a look at Ashoka’s work and backing, and what’s next.
“Not Standard Corporate Philanthropy.” Progressive Values Drive the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation
Amalgamated Bank has been around for a century, while the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation only got started in 2018. But both organizations bring a progressivism to their offerings that’s unusual in corporate giving.
This Funder is Zeroing in on Underrepresented Voters — and ID-ing Insurrectionists
Public Wise is working with organizations around the country to give a voice to overlooked voters, while building movement infrastructure. The group is also on the lookout for those who could undermine democracy.
“As the South Goes…” Meet a Fund that’s Powering Frontline Southern Movement Groups
Launched in 2020, the collaborative Southern Power Fund is confronting philanthropic underinvestment in the South by moving “we see you money” and long-term support to front-line movements.
A New Fund Backs Civic Engagement and Power Building for Communities of Color in California
Major Golden State grantmakers have gotten behind PIVOT, a collaborative fund to resource democracy work and build community power. Its initial grants have prioritized voter organizing alongside wider movement building.
A Foundation’s Bid to Build Access and Change Narratives Around Government Spending
As a torrent of federal funding comes online, the Marguerite Casey Foundation is aiming to help shift public resources toward historically excluded communities and change the conversation around government spending.
The Paul G. Allen Foundation Gets Behind a Youth-Led Campaign to Boost Civic Engagement
Rhizome is a national, youth-led network seeking to build civic engagement among American young people. Here’s how it got the attention and support of the late Microsoft cofounder’s foundation.
Youth Leaders Put Climate on the Agenda, But Get Philanthropic Scraps. They’re Ready for Abundance
The new Youth Climate Justice Fund, which debuted at Climate Week NYC, will channel the fundraising and organizing chops of young leaders to build the field and, hopefully, inspire a wave of similar funds.
“Transformation” at the JPB Foundation: Eight Questions with Deepak Bhargava, President-Elect
Bhargava, a longtime insider and former grantee of the JPB Foundation, will take over from founding donor and president Barbara Picower in February 2024. We connected with him to learn more about the transition.
To Build Community Power, Here Are Two Habits Funders Need to Break
Funders often struggle to back civic engagement and community power building. In this guest piece, three authors whose organizations collaboratively fund that work suggest some changes in approach.
It’s Time for Philanthropy to Be as Bold as Leaders on the Front Lines of Social Change
More progressive organizations are using a “multi-entity” approach, such as working through both a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4). Guest author Deborah Barron discusses how funders can back them more boldly and effectively.
For Real Climate Justice, Philanthropy Must Support the Front Lines, Fund Early and Fund Big
Even as climate justice groups remain underfunded, the restorative work they’re engaged in grows ever more urgent. Guest author Supriya Lopez Pillai says now is the time for funders to commit to more transformative approaches.