The nonprofit sector is filled with complex, labor-intensive challenges, which means nonprofits and foundations need all the help they can get.
Inside Philanthropy’s members include some of the top consultants and advisors in the nonprofit sector. This directory includes the types of clients they work with, areas of specialization, contact information and social media profiles, and other relevant information.
Please reach out to any of the below consultants via the emails listed in their profiles. And be sure to mention you found them on IP’s Consultants Directory!

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Theresa Barrett
In operation since 2006, DABS Consulting, LLC is a boutique woman-owned company that provides strategic fund development and management that creates innovative programs, fills service gaps, and expands the impact of client-driven missions.
Emma Beeston Consultancy
Emma Beeston is a UK-based independent Philanthropy Advisor. She guides individual philanthropists and families to develop and implement their giving plans.
Erika Borg, Civic Allies Consulting
We support business, nonprofit, philanthropy, and government organizations in building cross-sector partnerships to solve pressing social issues.
John Campbell
Launched in 2018, FundED Strategies supports schools, education nonprofits, and small to mid-sized organizations to start, scale, and sustain their fundraising programs.
Julie Carter
Carter Consulting Group is a boutique firm known for combining a positive, can-do approach with a candid assessment of circumstances standing in the way of fundraising success. We take a problem-solving approach to overcoming obstacles and bringing a solid vision to fruition.
Harvey Chess, Independent Consultant
I challenge people in nonprofits to examine and understand why the organizations they represent exist by examining — and often re-examining — their missions, along with asserting that the imperative of seeking resources to stay in business also represents an opportunity to strengthen their organizations internally.
Neill Coleman, Mission Magnified
Neill Coleman is a leader in deploying philanthropy, partnerships, and persuasion to drive social change. As the Founder and Principal of Mission Magnified Consulting he has a track-record of creating strategies, building organizations, and inspiring people towards meaningful impact.
Alexa Culwell, Open Impact
Open Impact is an advising and innovation firm that serves as a trusted guide to private donors, foundations, and networks in developing impact strategies. We bring deep expertise in strategy (leveraging all forms of capital), governance, organizational design, and executive leadership.
Aria Edry, Edry and Associates
We take on organizations, big or small whose missions we believe in; learn about what keeps you up at night, and then offer you practical affordable solutions.
Elevate partners with effective and ambitious nonprofits to build smart and sustainable grants programs. We form in-depth partnerships with clients all over the country to support their leaders, increase their revenues, and build more sustainable organizations.
Stephanie Ellis-Smith, Phīla Engaged Giving
As philanthropic advisors, our sole agenda is to cultivate informed, active, and joyful givers who are equipped with the tools and concepts to become meaningful partners to organizations that are affecting change.
Philip Farese
I help organizations develop actionable strategies and then put in place the operational system needed to pursue those strategies. This is centered in deep interviewing and facilitation, research, and data analysis. I am sure to understand not only the organizational goals but also the culture, capabilities, and staffing situation.
Jody Giles
Jody Giles is the Director of Philanthropy for Catalyst Family Office and brings over twenty years of experience in the financial services industry.
Dan Goldstein, The Improve Group
The Improve Group is a woman-owned, full-service evaluation, research, and strategic planning consulting firm based in St. Paul, Minnesota. We are committed to helping local, national, and international organizations make the most of information, navigate complexity, and ensure their investments lead to meaningful, sustained impact.
Susan Hirsch, Hirsch Philanthropy Partners
Founded in 1999 by entrepreneur and CEO Susan Hirsch, we are one of the first philanthropic advising firms in the United States. A leader and innovator in the field of philanthropic advising, we have directed $1.5B to organizations, leaders, and public sector agencies boldly solving our most pressing social issues.
Buff Kavelman, The Kavelman Group
The Kavelman Group Philanthropic Advisors builds strength and lasting impact in the nonprofit world. Founded by Buff Kavelman in 1997, our consultants have extensive senior-level experience spanning both the funding and the nonprofit management sides of philanthropy at some of the country’s leading institutions …
Gisela Keller, K + A Group, New York
Gisela has more than 15 years of experience in international major donor identification, strategy development, qualification, cultivation, and stewardship as well as developing targeted fundraising marketing actions.
Anna Kornilakis
I am passionate about helping organizations deepen partnerships with their current donors, and identify and build relationships with new benefactors.
Matt Landfield, TimeTravlr Creative
TimeTravlr Creative is a film and video production studio led by director Matt Landfield, specializing in film, video and online content for non-profits, philanthropies and foundations.
Joseph Lee, Center for Effective Philanthropy
CEP seeks to influence foundations and major donors to be more effective. We offer assessments that gather essential feedback from key stakeholders, data-driven research, customized advisory services, thought-provoking events, and incisive commentary on the CEP Blog.
Tracy McFerrin, Credo Philanthropy Advisors
Our approach is to work with donors to understand the issues, build strong relationships with stakeholders, develop actionable strategies and assess progress toward impact.
Jo-Ann Mort, ChangeCommunications
Since its founding in 2006, ChangeCommunications has provided strategic communications for a wide variety of social change organizations and prominent individuals.
Al Mueller, Excellence in Giving
Excellence in Giving provides the needed confidence for clients to make 7 and 8 figure grants to efficient, difference making nonprofits.
Laurie Neighbors, Cities & People Advisors
We meet our clients as partners at the intersection of learning, equity, and strategic action for systems change.
Theresa Nelson
Theresa Nelson & Associates specializes in fund development, campaigns, board development and governance, and strategic planning for nonprofit organizations and public agencies, and Founder and Principal Theresa Nelson, MBA, CFRE, has more than 35 years of experience.
Tracy Nowski
We see philanthropy as a uniquely flexible, risk-taking, and innovative part of the social change ecosystem. Philanthropy holds the potential to spark the breakthroughs we need to solve vexing societal problems.
Sunil Oommen, Oommen Consulting
Oommen Consulting is a boutique practice that provides strategic counsel and hands-on support in fundraising, events, and project management.
Gina Reiss & Anne Reiss, Reiss² Advisors
Reiss2 Advisors are development and fundraising specialists: “we knock down doors” and identify, cultivate, and solicit donations from high net-worth individuals, institutional foundations and corporations.
Erin Rodriguez, Root Cause
Root Cause is a nonprofit consulting team that helps drive effective and enduring social change. Our mission is to empower communities to build, improve, and sustain social change initiatives that enable all people to thrive.
Daniel Ross, DAISA Enterprises
DAISA Enterprises is a national team of equity-focused consultants working at the intersection of food, culture, and health. We partner with social enterprises, nonprofits, community leaders, policy makers, and mission-aligned investors to support the realization of equitable food systems and vibrant communities.
Jill Salter, Independent Consultant
I take the time to learn about each organization with which I work, so that I can create customized communications that resonate with donors. I pore over the client’s website, blog, social media, Internet presence, 990s, and charity ratings in order to obtain a picture of how the public views the organization, in addition to having conversations with key staff.
Susan Schaefer, Resource Partners
For 20 years, Resource Partners has worked with nonprofit leaders to fund their priorities through major private grants. If you’ve got big goals in mind, your largest corporate and foundation awards can launch the social change your team seeks to make.
Patricia Steele
Using frameworks and lenses of equity and justice, we help foundations, nonprofits, colleges and universities answer mission-critical questions to continually advance their impact for marginalized populations and communities.
Sachi Takahashi-Rial, Listen4Good
Listen4Good is the signature initiative of the Fund for Shared Insight. We work with nonprofits (and funders) to build sustainable, equitable feedback systems that allow organizations to be more responsive to the needs of those they serve.
Third Plateau
We believe that complex social change requires new ideas, a deep understanding of people and systems, and a commitment to continuous learning. As a field with a long time horizon, a wide vantage point, and relatively few constraints, we believe philanthropy has an important role to play in driving social impact — especially in addressing persistent, complex social challenges.
Kimberly Dasher Tripp
Kimberly Dasher Tripp is Founder and Principal of Strategy for Scale where she works with donors and doers on philanthropic strategy. She conducts research and writes on the practices and behaviors of philanthropists; acts as a strategic philanthropic advisor to individual, family and institutional philanthropies…
Susan Winer, Strategic Philanthropy
Strategic Philanthropy, Ltd., is a boutique firm providing customized support to high-net-worth individuals and families to ensure that their charitable gifts are meaningful and have the kind of impact that will resonate for stakeholders.
Mary Grace Wolf, Innovative Fundraising, LLC
Our staff have a combined 21 years of experience in grassroots fundraising and individual giving. Innovative Fundraising, LLC aims to bring fundraisers together from coast to coast in order to learn from each other and implement best practices.
William Woodwell, Independent Consultant
Independent writer, editor and consultant who helps clients communicate effectively about their work, their impact, and their vision for smart and innovative social change.
Caren Yanis, Croland Consulting
As Executive Director, Caren helped build the Oprah Winfrey Foundations during the period of Oprah’s Angel Network, Oprah’s response to Katrina, and the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.