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Inside Philanthropy works to explain who’s funding what and why. We offer the most extensive research, analysis, and news reporting on foundations and major donors found anywhere, as well as a deep trove of learning resources. IP is an essential resource for fundraisers, donors, consultants, and foundation staff.
Find Grants for Nonprofits: Tools for Fundraisers
GrantFinder, our proprietary research tool, provides a big head start to grant-seekers. Discover new funders, learn their giving priorities, get insider tips, and secure hard-to-find contact information. We give fundraisers an edge with research products that are comprehensive and accessible.
- Research on every important U.S. foundation & major donor
- Insightful funder profiles with insider tips for grantseekers
- Curated guides to key funders, organized by issue and place
- Contact information for over 15,000 foundation staff
- Live support to help users get the most out of GrantFinder

Give Effectively: Tools For Donors and Foundations
Our Donor Advisory Center offers guidance for effective giving to both emerging donors and established funders with written briefs and reports that are clear, concise, and understandable by all, including:

- A comprehensive set of primers with different strategies for impact
- Detailed advice on how to give for more than 30 causes
- A library of how-to briefs and explainers designed for new donors
- In-depth white papers on trends in top funding landscapes
- Live support to help users get the most out of IP’s resources
Keep up with the latest news on grantmaker strategies and priorities
- A daily newsletter reporting on grants and giving trends
- Exclusive interviews with top foundation leaders and philanthropists
- A searchable archive of thousands of past articles
- A directory of consultants to help members find expert help
- IP’s Career Center, connecting talent with opportunity
What members are saying
In a recent survey of IP members, 96 percent reported that the site saves them time researching grantmakers, with 30 percent saying it saves them 5 to 10 hours per month.
82 percent of members said they have discovered new funding opportunities through IP. One user reported discovering 10 new prospects in their first month of membership.
I find IP the single most interesting and reliable news source on contemporary philanthropy. I rely heavily on the news and analysis.
— Stan Katz, Retired prof. of public policy, Princeton U.
I have only been a member for a month but I love the insight given on the foundations or individuals listed since it helps clarify who we should contact which saves time.
— Hisani P. DuBose, Development Consultant
Future Tech Kids
Inside Philanthropy is the one publication I read the moment it arrives in my inbox. I love the mature perspective and candid tone that actually helps me be better at my job. I always learn something and it’s a fun read.
— Barlow LeVold, Ph.D. Associate Director, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thank you for starting this website. It is the single most valuable source of information about funders. It’s like getting the low-down on all your prospects from an invisible network of colleagues. I have been recommending it to everyone.
— Andrea Fabry, Associate Director of Development, Asphalt
Inside Philanthropy is now the standard-bearer for news about foundations and high-net worth donors. It is the first source I go to when researching a prospective funder, and provides information that often no other resource has.
– Heidi Gider, Senior Consultant, The Rainmakers Group
I find Inside Philanthropy to provide an ongoing value proposition because of the “inside perspective” they provide on philanthropy. In concise, interesting, timely and often fascinating stories, they provide busy non-profit leaders with a fuller appreciation and understanding of critical issues, trends and developments in philanthropy.
— Jack McCarthy, CEO and President AppleTree Institute for Education Innovation