Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Donor Privacy
On the Supreme Court, how might Judge Amy Coney Barrett rule on issues of donor privacy?
On the Supreme Court, how might Judge Amy Coney Barrett rule on issues of donor privacy?
Community foundations from Oklahoma to Oregon gave more than $1.22 billion to charity through donor-advised funds this year.
In a recent Twitter back-and-forth, the celebrities debated about private giving. Read Patrice Onwuka s take in her recent op-ed for the Washington Examiner.
After the consumerism of the Thanksgiving weekend concludes, Giving Tuesday encourages Americans to do good with their time and treasure.
As we kick off the end-of-year giving season, charities can take some confidence that when needed, Americans will still answer the call to help.
Musical artist Cardi B recently demonstrated an important lesson about the role private philanthropy plays in spurring giving.
Congress has resurrected a sweeping election reform bill that s certain to stifle funding to political advocacy.
This month, amidst a flurry of news, an important honor for the philanthropic giant Julius Rosenwald came one step closer to fruition.
In states across the country, politicians have increasingly demanded that charities and nonprofit organizations reveal the names and addresses of top supporters and donors.
Since nation s founding, Black people have organized to meet needs of their fellow citizens.
Parton s philanthropy has worked to make life better for others for decades and it s working to bring us closer to the end of this pandemic.
Women s History Month offers a great time to reflect on how principles of philanthropic freedom advanced the cause of equality for women in our nation.