Christie Herrera in New York Post: How Donors Can Shake Up Higher Ed 

In an op-ed recently published in the New York Post entitled “How Donors Can Shake up Higher Ed,” Philanthropy Roundtable President and CEO Christie Herrera provides a detailed giving approach for higher-education funders who want to advance American values and reestablish excellence, merit and opportunity for all at universities around the country.

Below are excerpts from the article entitled “How Donors Can Shake up Higher Ed”:  

“Can philanthropists fix higher education?” 


“While it’s wise to abandon some giving strategies, I’ve urged donors to take a more effective — and more aggressive — approach to advance their values and secure the reforms higher education desperately needs.” 


“The days of nostalgia giving must end unless your school is one of the few that’s still excellent. 

This may be the toughest message for philanthropists to hear, especially those who went to an Ivy League or other prestigious institution. 

They should instead fund schools with more principled leaders or proven commitments to ideals like free speech and intellectual diversity.” 


“Choosing another school may be the best way to change an alma mater, since it fosters competition.” 


“When a donor pulls a big gift from a college, the result is a brief news cycle. 

If a donor directs that money to an advocacy group that criticizes the university’s failings, the result is ongoing pressure.” 


“Now it’s time to shake up the system — not merely by withdrawing donations but by donating in ways that make higher education worthy of the name.” 

Please continue reading at the New York Post.

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