Announcing The Philanthropy Roundtable’s Donor Intent Hub

Philanthropy Roundtable’s new Donor Intent Hub offers easy access to short articles organized around major topics facing all philanthropists (mission, timeframe, governance, etc.). The Donor Intent Hub is based on the guidebook, Protecting Your Legacy: A Wise Giver’s Guide to Honoring and Preserving Donor IntentWe will continue to add additional resources on a regular basis.

Our goal is to create and maintain the best and most thorough online resource on this topic because we believe that upholding donor intent is essential for philanthropic integrity. It is, in fact, one of The Philanthropy Roundtable’s guiding principles: “The voluntary nature of charitable giving lies at the heart of the American philanthropic tradition. Respecting donors’ original intentions for their gifts leads to a creative diversity of interests and approaches and is an essential prerequisite for continued charitable giving. We believe that the continued flourishing of philanthropy is dependent on honoring the trust of donors before and after their lifetimes; that charitable laws, regulations, and practices should support donor intent; and that those who are charged with carrying out donors’ wishes have an ethical obligation to do so to the best of their ability.”

Click here to explore the Donor Intent Hub.

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